Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Komang Sentajo Island Village, Sentajo Raya District, Kuantan Singingi Regency

  • Desriadi Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
  • Risvandi Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
  • Melliofatria Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
  • Latifatus Sa’ada Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
  • Nur Naziha Nadia Universitas Islam Kuantan Singingi
Keywords: Implementation, Sustainable Development Goals


Sustainable development, known as the SDGs, aims to improve and advance public welfare which is carried out continuously and continuously. Indonesia is one of the countries that implements the SDGs in Indonesia. This research is qualitative with interview, observation and literature review data collection techniques. Taken from research journals as secondary sources. The result of this study is that the implementation of sustainable development has stopped being implemented for a period of time due to unclear budgeting. Therefore, the efforts made by the village government in implementing sustainable development by doing it in the form of self-help from the community.


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