• Elpira Elpira
  • Deno Okalia
  • Gusti Marlina
Keywords: Biochar sekam padi,Jagung,Ultisol,Pupuk NPK phonska (15:15:15)


Corn is one of the most important secondary crops in Indonesia, this commodity is the best alternative food ingredient besides rice. This study aims to determine the effect of Rice Husk Biochar and Phonska NPK Fertilizer (15:15:15) on the growth of maize (Zea Mays L) in Ultisol soil which was carried out in Kampung Baru Village, Sentajo Raya District. This study lasted for 5 months starting from March to July 2021. The method used was a Factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) which was the first factor of rice husk biochar (A) which consisted of 4 levels of treatment: A0 (control), A1 (192 g) /plot), A2 (384 g/plot), A3( 576 g/plot). The second factor was the application of NPK phonska (N) fertilizer which consisted of 4 treatment levels: N0 (control), N1 (1.68 g/plant), N2 (3.36 g/plant), N3 (5.04 g/plant) Thus, 16 treatment combinations were obtained, consisting of 3 replications, so that 48 units of plots were obtained, each plot consisting of 4 plants, 3 of which were used as plant samples, the total number of plants was 192 plants. The results showed that the Biochar treatment of rice husks (A) had a significant effect on the weight of the cob without husks, and the best treatment was on A3 (576 g/plot) with the weight of the cobs without the husks being 187.50 g, and the dry shelled weight being 95.00 grams. The NPK phonska (N) fertilizer treatment gave a significant effect on the weight of the cobs without husks, and the best treatment was on N3 (5.07 g/plant) with the weight of the cobs without husks 177.31 g, and the weight of dry shells was found in N2(3, 36 g/plant) 90.93 g. The interaction of husk biochar and NPK phonska fertilizer did not give a significant effect on all observation parameters.


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