• Abriyenti Abriyenti
  • Meli Sasmi
  • Haris Susanto
Keywords: Behavior, Attributes, Interests and Performance.


The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of tempe consumers, determine the interests and performance, and to analyze the level of consumer satisfaction in the Benai market in the Benai District. The method used in this research is Likert scale analysis, Importance and Performance Analysis method analysis and Consumers Satisfaction Index or Index of tempe products with an average score of 15.56 with the satisfaction category, while the satisfaction scores of each price attribute, with scores 15.56, taste score 15.16, color score 15.40, size 14.70, packaging 13.76. With satisfied category. Whereas when the score was 19.3 the category was very satisfied, the level of importance of the attributes of price, taste, size, durability and the time consumers considered the importance of color, was very important while the packaging was not important. Performance levels on various attributes of price, color, durability are very satisfied, to taste, packaging and time consumers are satisfied, whereas to the size of the product the consumer is not satisfied. The Consumer Satisfaction Index (CSI) of 0.88 is very satisfied


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