Sumatran Elephant Friendly Village Model (Elephas Maximus Sumatranus Temminck) In The Giam Siak Kecil Elephant Population Pocket Riau Province
Conflict between elephants and humans makes this animal has a unique position that on the one hand this animal is protected by law and must be preserved, but on the other hand this animal causes great losses that result in victims on both sides. Efforts to resolve conflicts between elephants and humans cannot be done by killing or destroying them as is done with other pests, because elephants are protected animals. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution so that elephants can be useful for development and society. This study aims to analyze the conservation of Sumatran elephants through partnerships between village communities and related parties. This study uses a literature study by utilizing secondary data from various institutions. Conflicts between elephants and communities require comprehensive solutions with the concept of collaboration, habitat protection and community empowerment through elephant-friendly village models.
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