Characteristics of Sunrise Intensity to Support Rooftop PV to Produce Electric Power in The Laboratory of Faculty of Engineering of The University of Riau
The energy production of solar modules is affected by several factors, namely sunlight irradiation, temperature, orientation, tilt angle, structural shadows, and surrounding shadows. Solar energy is a clean and inexhaustible renewable energy source. Photovoltaic cells are a key component in solar power generation, making thorough research on their output characteristics essential. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Engineering building at Riau University, located at a latitude of 0.479994°, a longitude of 101.376736°, and an altitude of 26 meters. The analysis evaluates the potential of solar energy resources at the Faculty of Engineering Campus of Riau University. The characteristics of solar energy output were measured directly using an Automatic Weather Station (AWS) throughout 2020. The AWS can measure data on radiation, temperature, humidity, and wind speed. Based on the results of direct AWS measurements, the average solar irradiation is 3.88 kWh/m²/day. The highest average irradiation occurs in May at 4.24 kWh/m²/day, and the lowest occurs in November at 3.42 kWh/m²/day.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nurhalim Dani Ali, Syaiful Bahri, Anhar, Noveri Lysbetty Marpaung, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar, Zulfan Saam

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