Local Wisdom Values Of Traditional Gold Panning In Logas Village Kuantan Singingi
Traditional gold panning activities in Kuantan Singingi have been going on since the Dutch era until now. These activities are generally carried out by women. Traditional gold panning means gold mining carried out manually by individuals using pan. The interesting thing about this activity is that panning has been going on for a long time and is passed down from one generation to the next. This traditional gold mining activity is an alternative livelihood system. Traditional gold panning activities need to be maintained because this activity functions as a form of community resilience for survival. There are concerns that traditional gold panning activities will be eroded by the current of modernization and globalization such as the development of modern gold mining and the spread of gold mining activities without permits. Since the last 20 years, data in the field has shown the emergence of illegal gold mining. This behavior shows the erosion of ecocentism. Traditional gold panning activities need to be maintained which refers to ecocentrism environmental ethics. The aim of this research is to analyze local wisdom practices in gold panning that can support environmental conservation. This research data collection used observation techniques and in-depth interviews. Next, it is analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results of the research are that the forms of local wisdom in traditional gold panning activities are using pan made from wooden buttresses, shallow surface excavation, panning locations without rent, panning locations open to local residents and outsiders, and the gold recovery process using manual skills without using mercury, gears and machines. It is necessary to formulate written regulations approved by the government regarding sustainable traditional gold panning so that this activity is a form of community resilience in living a sustainable life.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Melia Nurafni, Yusni Ikhwan Siregar, Zulfan Saam, Gusliana

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