• Lanjar Juliono
  • Sopiatun Nahwiyah
  • A. Mualif
Keywords: nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam


Education is an absolute necessity of human life, in order to achieve prosperity and happiness in the world and the hereafter. Through education, humans will also get various kinds of knowledge for the provision of life. Islam always encourages its people to use reason and seek knowledge, so that they can distinguish what is right and what is wrong. To realize Islamic education that internalizes educational values, various efforts and transformations are needed in various forms, including through the media writing in literature. One form of literary work is the novel. Novel is a story about part of a person's life. The formulation of the problem in this study is what values ​​of Islamic education are contained in the novel This is Aku by Jefri Refaldo Putra? The purpose of this research is to find out the values ​​of Islamic education contained in the novel This is Aku by Jefri Refaldo Putra This type of research is library research and the approach used is a qualitative approach. The method of data collection in this study used the literature study method. The data that has been obtained were analyzed using descriptive models and content analysis.The results of this study indicate that the values ​​of Islamic education that found in the novel This is Aku by Jefri Refaldo Putra including: honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard working, independent, friendly / communicative, caring for the environment, social care, responsible, strong stance, leadership spirit, prioritizing education, generous, keeping promises , introspection, and controlling emotions.


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