Kinetin Concentration Test On Growth Castury Orange (Citrus microcarpa B.) On Medium Woody Plant Medium (WPM)
The development of kasturi oranges is still little done because it is easily attacked by citrus plant pests, especially in humid conditions. Therefore, another solution can be to multiply the seeds with the tissue culture technique. The success of implementing tissue culture techniques is determined, among others, by the use of an appropriate media composition. Kinetin is one type of cytokinin growth regulator which is widely used for shoot propagation because it can stimulate the formation of shoots, with high concentrations not easily damaged when the media is sterilized. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of kinetin administration on the growth of explants of Kasturi orange (Citrus microcarpa B). The design used in this study was a non-factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 7 levels of treatment with 3 replications, namely: K0 (Without Kinetin administration), K1 (Kinetin administration 1.5 mg/I), K2 (Kinetin administration) 2 mg/I), K3 (Giving Kinetin 2.5 mg/I), K4 (Giving Kinetin 3 mg/I), K5 (Giving Kinetin 3.5 mg/I), and K6 (Giving Kinetin 4 mg/I). Thus this study consisted of 21 experimental units. Each unit consisted of 1 culture bottle, each containing 4 explants, 3 of which were sampled. The results showed that the administration of kinetin to explants of musk kasturi orange had a significant effect on root length parameters with the best treatment at K0 (without kinetin administration) with an average of 8.22 cm. However, there was no significant effect on the parameters of the age of shoot emergence, number of shoots, and number of leaves.
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