• Renta Iklas
  • Dihan Kurnia
  • Pajri Anwar
Keywords: Brahman Cross Cattle (BX), Body Length, Length of Scarcity, Percentage of Carcass


This study aims to determine the relationship between body length and scarcity with the percentage of carcass of Brahman Cross (BX) Male in Pekanbaru City Animal Slaughterhouse. The study was conducted on 27 February to 28 March 2018, in Pekanbaru City Animal Slaughterhouse. This study used 30 Brahman Croos (BX) cows. The research method used is direct survey and measurement methods. The data were analyzed mathematically and with the help of SPSS 17 software. The results showed that the average body length was 161.63 ± 5.86, the average length of the scarcity was 53.65 ± 3.53 with an average percentage of carcasses of 50.34 ± 0.48%. Correlation test shows that the length of the body with a length of scarcity has a less close relationship with the percentage of carcass which is 24%. The equation Y =46.143+0.035 X1-0.029X2 with a correlation coefficient of 24% and a terminated coefficient of 0.058


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